All Chapters

*Note: We have temporarily paused the creation of new chapters. We will announce via email and on this page when we are ready to accept proposals for new chapters.

Don't see a chapter in your area? Many chapters have virtual events that are open to all. Check our event calendar for upcoming events.


Chapter Leads: Sage Donaldson, Jennifer Psillas

Area covered:  The state of Arizona

Activities:  Quarterly meetings, monthly "Mugs & Mornings" networking meet-ups, professional development webinars, other special activities as they arise.


Contact:  Click here to connect


Chapter LeadsEmma Dirolf, Kendell Ryan, Jennifer Sherry

Area covered:   The state of Colorado

Activities:  Quarterly meetings, social gatherings (Mappy Hours), professional development and educational events, and opportunities for networking.


Contact:  Click here to connect

DC Metro Area

Chapter Lead Eva Reid 

Area covered:   DC Metropolitan Area, including Northern Virginia, and several Maryland Counties. Currently also includes members in Baltimore and the surrounding areas, although a spin-off group may be forming soon.

Activities:  Social events, networking, and collaboration with other related groups in the area to advocate for women in GIS. Quarterly meetings, plus others as they arise.

Contact:  Click here to request membership

Delaware Valley

Chapter Lead Megan Heckert

Area covered:  Philadelphia Metro Area, southeastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, northern Delaware, and the northern Eastern Shore of Maryland.

Activities:  Provide networking opportunities for local WiGIS members and other women in GIS.

Contact:  Click here to connect     


Chapter Leads Jessie Hong-Dwyer, Michelle Vignault

Area covered:  The state of Georgia

Activities:  Provide quarterly networking opportunities for local WiGIS members and other women in GIS.

Contact:  Click here to connect     

Monterey Bay (Santa Cruz, CA)

Chapter Leads Michelle Tanner, Chloe Hoke

Area covered:  Santa Cruz County, Monterey County, and nearby surrounding areas

Activities:  Social gatherings, guest speakers and spotlights, networking, educational events, and community engagement and volunteering

Contact:  Click here to connect     

Nashville, TN

Chapter Lead Alice McDougall

Area covered:  Middle Tennessee region, including the greater Nashville area and the cities of Murfreesboro and Franklin.

Activities:  Monthly networking opportunities for Women in GIS, development of events, and collaborations with other regional GIS organizations.

Contact:  Click here to connect        


Chapter Leads Katie Grillo,  Jennie Byron, Pamela Locke

Area covered:  New England plus New York. This includes Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and New York.

Activities:  Collaborations with other regional GIS organizations, especially the Northeast Arc User’s Group (NEARC) and New England URISA (NEURISA). Mentoring and career support, skills development, education, and more.


Contact:  Click here to connect        

Portland, Oregon

Chapter Leads Catherine Green and Lauren McKinney-Wise

Area covered:  Portland Metro Area

Activities:  Provide networking opportunities for local WiGIS members and other women in GIS.

Contact:  Click here to connect     

Southwest Florida

Chapter Lead:  Lacee Cofer  

Area covered:  Includes Charlotte, Glades, Lee, Hendry, and Collier Counties. Major Cities within this area are Fort Myers, Naples, and Cape Coral.

Activities:  Social gatherings, professional development and educational events, and opportunities for networking and mentoring. Quarterly meetings.

Contact: Click here to connect

Tampa Bay, FL

Chapter Leads Ashley Snyder, Shannon Cox

Area covered:   Pinellas, Hillsborough, Manatee Counties.

Activities:  Social gatherings, professional development and educational events, and opportunities for networking and mentoring. Quarterly meetings.

Contact:  Click here to connect               

Virginia (coming soon!)


Chapter Leads Jalynda Mckay, Teal Wyckoff

Area covered:  State of Wyoming

Activities:  Quarterly meeting for professional networking and education, social events, mentoring and career support, and skills development.

Contact:  Click here to connect

Women In GIS is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization  | 21825 Erwin St #1087, Woodland Hills, CA 91367  |

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Contributions to WiGIS are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Membership dues may be deductible as a business expense. Check with your tax professional for guidance.
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